Mar 22, 2022Liked by Frank Muci

the president of el salvador is corrupt and favors an autocratic style of government that is also very obscure, so don't expect any meaningul information that should be made public by law to be available. the government of el salvador has coopted all institutions meant to regulate the administration of power and thus there are no instances to serve as checks to maintain a healthy balance of power that would make possible for citizens to access such basic information as to how their tax money is being handled by its autocratic, corrupt president and his corrupt government. another thing you need to keep in mind is that the officials comprising the president's staff are not professionals but rather childhood friends and relatives who do not know the technical aspects nor posses the skills necessary to manage government affairs and as a consequence the president and his government rely way too much on improvisation in delicate decision making, therefore there is no credible base for their projects and their results are speculative. the president's propaganda machine is very effective, however, and it continues to prey upon a humble, ignorant, poor, poorly educated but hopeful population that believes and buys into their manipulative toxic narrative selling them "pie in the sky" promises that everyone with a little basic logic would realize is not realistic by any means. there also is the suspicion of the president's ties with the local gangs, organized crime, and fraudsters that see el salvador as an ideal laundromat to cleanse their dollars from nefarious operations. look into the u.s dept. of justice and the how the u.s treasury have opened investigations into his proceedings. how his government staff are labeled as corrupt by the govt. of the u.s and the president's fears he will one day be captured and extradited to the u.s.a to serve jail time like the former president of honduras that just recently left office. welcome to central america for those who'd never heard of or known how politics, economics and power work around here.

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